Friday 27 September 2013

My Meal Plan

I've just been through a rough time and a relapse, but now I'm back and kicking butt with recovery!

I just got given my new meal plan, so I thought I'd share it with you guys- because I remember when I first started recovery and didn't have a meal plan I was completely at loss with what I should be eating and how much!

My meal plan I'm on at the moment is about 1800 to 2000 calories, but obviously this changes from person to person, and I know I'll be increasing next week! (If you want me to upload my weekly meal plans just say and I will!)

So don't for a minute look at this and think:
"She eats less than me and she's in recovery, so it's for me to eat less like her".
X --------------------------------------------- WRONG --------------------------------------------- X

No matter what stage you are at in recovery, we cannot compete with each other.
Anorexia and eating disorders are no game- they are dangerous, horrible illnesses. And we should not encourage each other! Stick to the guidance of the professionals when you can, but this plan is here for those who are either curious, or those who perhaps haven't got a meal plan but are eating around the same amount of calories and would like a plan.
Sorry, just had to say that bit and make it clear!

Just a few quick things you might want to know before reading my meal plan:
  • The reason I drink goats milk is just because cows milk makes my eczema worse and I prefer the taste, I think it's sweeter and nicer than cows milk.
  • Part of my meal plan is drinking a pint (500ml) of full fat milk a day, which is why I have so much milk on my meal plan! Calcium is important for bones 
  • This meal plan is designed to make you gain 0.5kg a week, though that depends what weight to height you are, the rate of your metabolism, how much or little you've been eating etc.


MEAL PLAN: {1800-2000 kcal}


2 weetabix w/ 200ml goats milk
100ml yogurt (petit filous)
200ml apple juice


Cereal bar
E.g. Nature Valley, eat natural etc.


Quiche / Pasta with sauce / Bagel with full fat tuna and mayonnaise filler
200ml apple juice
100ml yogurt (petit filous OR chocolate shape yogurt)


200ml goats milk
Piece of fruit


Whatever mum cooks!
200ml apple juice
3 x days a week - FULL pudding, e.g. Ice cream or apple crumble etc
4 x days a week - 100ml yogurt (petit filous)


200ml goats milk
2 biscuits

I personally find that writing my meal plan out on an A3 sheet of paper using felt tips and making it look pretty helps me, because I can stick it to my wall and it looks nice, and it reminds me of what I have to eat.

It also allows you to have that element of control- if you are forcing yourself to eat everything on your mealplan despite what your head may be saying, then that just proves how strong you are!

I hope that having a look at this meal plan has helped you or perhaps given you some ideas for formulating your own meal plan!

Hannah xox

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Please feel free to leave your thoughts or comments on the post, or if you need advice or anything I am always here for you. Remember, recovery is possible!